Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course

You are not powerless

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on December 22, 2016

When you’re caught in diet prison, you often feel this rush of negative, haunting feelings and it often seems that no matter what you do, no matter which way you turn, no matter which choice you make, you just cannot win.
When you start a new diet, the excitement quickly turns into despair and with every pound you lose, the restriction you put on yourself gets worse.
When you’re so desperate that you begin to restrict more and more, the binges get more violent and the overeating often doesn’t stop.
It’s a no win situation but the way out often seems worse.
There may be binges at the beginning, which is a no go when all you’ve ever wanted is to be thin.
There may be a lot of overeating, which is something you’ve wanted to leave behind.
There may be many challenges before you see the light at the end of the tunnel and that is why most people turn back to what they know: the despair, the powerlessness, the feeling of inadequacy.

Here’s the thing though: you are NOT powerless.

You are NOT inadequate.
You are NOT defenseless.
You are NOT weak.
And the more you allow your relationship with food to dictate your self-worth the harder it will be for you to get out.
I am not trying to belittle your feelings and your very real experience. Instead, I’m trying to help you see who you really are.
A magnificent person, unique in your traits.
Truly, deeply, you KNOW that you can heal this.

You KNOW that you can get out of this.

You KNOW that there is more to life than being a victim to your desire to be thin at all costs.
Even if the binges make you feel powerless, you have to realize this: the power that makes you binge is a power YOU possess and you can turn that negative power into a majestic engine that’ll move you towards freedom and peace.
Even if the constant dieting makes you feel weak, you have to realize that you have the wisdom inside you to change your situation. Your body is giving you all the information you need to get back to your core and shine.
Even if the pressure to be thin makes you paralyzed and stuck in a never-ending cycle of bullying and shame, you have to trust that there is a different way of living and that you can be happy with the body you were given – not with the one you are trying to shape and form.
Even if it all feels hopeless, there is always hope as there is always a new day for you to begin again, to turn inward, to use the power you DO possess and to slowly re-imagine your life in a way that not only empowers you but also changes this world.
As much as I understand the fear, the agony and the pain of change, I am hoping that you believe me when I tell you that the way out – though different – is not nearly as painful, as agonizing, as scary as the life you’re living now.
You. Can. Make. The. Difference.

You. Can. Truly. Turn. It. All. Around.

It’s all there: the healthy relationship with food, the connection with your body, the joy in life, the freedom to eat what you want when you want, to be who you want to be, to create the life you never thought possible.
It’s all already waiting for you.
So go out and meet “it” half-way.
Do you ADORE food -
But you secretly feel guilty and ashamed every time you eat?

1You love eating and still, you are secretly afraid of it. Because it makes you gain weight (you think), it makes you unattractive (you believe), it makes you feel guilty (unfortunately, yes) and it makes you feel more and more at war with yourself (maybe that is true too).

So, how can you start being more relaxed around food again and make it an event?

This program will show you how.

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