Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course

Weight Bias and Stigmatization – Let’s Talk About It

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on January 12, 2017


weight bias

In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, Deb, Leila and Anne-Sophie take on the subject of weight bias.

There are so many (long debunked) “facts” circulating around weight that judging those who are not stick thin is a favorite past time of many and is – sadly – the last socially acceptable form of discrimination in our society.

It’s time to rise above those ridiculous biases and start seeing people who don’t fit into the narrow beauty standards of our time for what they are: living, breathing human beings who deserve all of our respect and love – just like everyone else.

Time and time again, it’s been shown that weight and health do not correlate and instead it’s our habits, our way of living our life that define true health. You can be thin and be extremely unhealthy and you can be heavier and be the picture of health.

Carrie Fisher said it best when she tweeted that youth and beauty are not accomplishments. We have to stop allowing others to perpetuate the myth that having a certain body shape means being a superior human being. We have to stop hating on each other and instead acknowledge the truth that we’re all different and just because some people make changing their body shape their world, it doesn’t mean that others have to follow suit and live their life in the constant chase of having the “perfect” body.

After all, you can live a perfectly happy and long life without having a sick pack or looking like a fitness model. It’s time for all of us to stop this circus and lift each other up instead of tearing each other down.

Read Deb Oswald‘s blog here.

If you’d like more support from Leila Hays, join The Dressing Room , go here.

Love and light,

anne-sophie signature



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