Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course

If you want to change your body….

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on February 26, 2015

Divine-Feminine-DiwaliAre you working on breaking your obsession with calories but you’re constantly telling yourself how fat you are?

Are you hoping to find joy in food again but you’re looking at it as your biggest enemy?

Are you yearning for more energy but you’re punishing yourself with an excess of exercise?

Are you dreaming of finally feeling sexy in your skin but you’re only talking about your ugliness?

Here’s the thing: You’ll never reach your goal unless you stop doing what you’re doing right now and instead do this:

Embrace the body you have right now. Celebrate the weight you have right now. Value yourself as you are right now. {Click to Tweet}

Own what you have and where you’re at in this very moment.

Change won’t happen until you realize that the goal is here, it’s in the present moment. Life doesn’t happen in the future. It’s happens now. Therefor, you need to live the life you want to live once you’ve lost your weight, learned to feel more positive in your body or have made peace with food, today.

That, of course, is anything but easy because how can you accept the body you so hate? How could you ever welcome anything good in your life with all the weight you carry around? How could you ever embrace your ugly cellulite or your nasty muffin top? How could you ever go to the beach, try that new massage place, eat a hamburger or take that hip hop class with the body you sport in this moment?

You can and you will – if you’re ready to try a strategy that’ll actually work.

It takes a certain kind of openness and maybe even desperation to consider living and fully being alive in the reality as it is; especially because we always want what we don’t have.

But the question is, are you going to hate yourself until you get where you want to go? Do you think this’ll make for a comfortable ride? Isn’t it time you stopped fighting yourself? Isn’t it time you stopped being at war with every calorie, every gram of fat, every food group? Isn’t it time to surrender and put up that white flag, finally allowing your body to make you feel at home?

Isn’t it time?

I sure as heck think so!

So, if you’re ready to put a stop on your food obsession, your binge eating or your constant dieting, ask yourself the following questions. If you answer no to one or two of them, you’re not yet in the right mindset to truly make a lasting body image change in your life. The cool thing is that this is easy to “fix”. Just set some time aside for your body image mission, change your habits or add a new routine to your life and voilà, you’re one step closer to true body love.

Ready? Let’s do this?

Do you ever just step outside and sit in the sun for a few minutes?

Do you sacred and all-consimung practicing self-care?

Do you move your body or punish yourself with exercise?

Do you feed yourself good food?

Do you nourish yourself; body, mind and soul?

Do you ever just play?

Do you wear clothes that make you feel good?

Do you laugh enough?

Do you still postpone things for “when you’ve lost 5 more pounds”?

Do you have beauty care products that make you feel good?

Do you celebrate your body now?

Do you connect with other women who are into body positivity?

Do you take time for your meals?

Do you experience pleasure when you put food in your mouth?

Do you have real intimacy and hot sex in your life?

Do you wear color instead of only black?

Do you do things that scare you?

Do you cancel appointments because you feel too fat or too ugly to go? (If so, stop.)

Remember that where attention goes, energy flows.

That means, if you focus on hating your body, all your energy will go into making sure that your body and your mindset will stay the way it is. That way you’ll never love it, won’t learn to stop binging or walk confidently in your skin.

So, darling, whatever you want, start with where you are right now.

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