Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course

Being Thin is Meaningless with Debi Oswald

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on November 7, 2016


deb-oswaldIn this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, Debi Oswald shares her story of regaining her life after decades of going from one diet to the next.

Deb is an art teacher, photographer, all around creative person, wife, mom of 3, grandma of 4, an avid kayaker and such a great friend.

I met Deb more a few years ago when she joined one of my free programs and we hit it off pretty much right away. Her desire to heal and change has blown me away many times. Deb wanted freedom, she worked for it and she now lives it. It’s been inspiring to watch her become even more phenomenal than she was when we first met.

Enjoy our conversation.

We talk about:

  • The moment she began to have a negative view of her body
  • The many ways she tried to manipulate her weight over the years
  • Her fears around not begin thin and what her quest to weight loss was really all about
  • The craziness behind reaching her goal weight and the lesson she learned when she hit it
  • Her desire to eat perfectly and what it did to her life
  • The reason she decided to stop dieting once and for all
  • Her experience in the Body-Love Wellness Circles
  • What has changed for her since she swore off diets
  • How she experienced the transition phase between restricting and always being on a diet and eating what she wants when she wants
  • Why being thin is meaningless
  • And so much more

The Circles are coming up again. Join here>>>

Love and light,

anne-sophie signature



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Enjoyed this episode? Share it with others in your life who MUST listen to it right now. YOU are a change maker in this world and your voice needs to be heard.

Is Emotional Eating Seriously Impacting Your Happiness?

1The thing is, emotional eating won't solve your emotional problems and instead it makes you feel awful, ashamed, trapped and fat. You can gently let go of your emotional eating attacks (I did it!) by sitting down for short mediation sessions. My brand-new CD Finally Free - Guided Meditations To Freedom From Emotional Eating will lead you towards freedom, happiness and self-love.

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