Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course

The Long Road

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on December 8, 2016

the long roadYes, escaping diet prison takes time.

It is a long road.

A winding road.

It’s a road that often feels like a circle.

It’s a road that often feels unending.

It’s a road that challenges you, stretches you, re-births you.

It’s a road that can also crush you – if you try to do it alone.

But the road to freedom isn’t solely a journey of despair.

It’s not senseless, even if it feels endless.

It’s not solely a struggle.

Not solely made out of pain.

This road to freedom from binging, dieting, overeating, overexercising, shame, hate and guilt is a road of growth.

It’s a road that’ll make you a better human being, a deeper human being.

It’s a road that’ll heal your soul, free your heart and open your mind.

It’s a road that leads to your deepest core, your biggest dreams.

This road to loving your body as it is is a road like hardly any other.

So, be fearless, be patient, be wide awake and trust that this journey will take you to places you’ve never been before.

Get ready for a trip of a lifetime and the life you’re leading now will only get richer, more colorful and fun.

Because the alternative, the easy way, is the circle you’ve been running in for decades.

The alternative is stagnation.

It’s more pain without any gain.

The alternative is staying stuck in hell, playing small and – purposefully, willingly, knowingly – imprisoned in the belief that if only you’re trying the diet game long enough, you’ll master it and it’ll heal your life.

When, in reality, you know that the only way to heal your life is choosing the long road, the hard road, the less familiar road.

When, in reality, your heart nudges you to stop and change.

When, in reality, your soul is yearning for the freedom you deserve.

When, in reality, your being is made for more.

When, in reality, your dieting is making you die inside.

There’s more out there for you: there’s love, there’s joy, there’s the promise of waking up without thinking about losing weight, there’s the opportunity of not stepping on the scale, of skipping a workout because you don’t feel like it, of loving your body through the ups and downs.

There’s more out there for you, so stick with the long road. Learn new skills, heal your beliefs, grow your heart. There’s more out there for you and the question is: are you willing to set one foot in front of the other to get to where you want to go?

Are you willing to choose slow, healing progress over fast, destructive actions?

If you are, get ready for the ride of your life.

If you’re not, well, sit back and relax because nothing will change.

So, which road will it be and what are you willing to do to live a life where diets aren’t ever an option?

Is Emotional Eating Seriously Impacting Your Happiness?

1The thing is, emotional eating won't solve your emotional problems and instead it makes you feel awful, ashamed, trapped and fat. You can gently let go of your emotional eating attacks (I did it!) by sitting down for short mediation sessions. My brand-new CD Finally Free - Guided Meditations To Freedom From Emotional Eating will lead you towards freedom, happiness and self-love.

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