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Thank you, 2016

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on December 29, 2016


Another year has flown by and despite this year feeling heavy and turbulent, I want to take a moment to reflect and shift my awareness from darkness to the light that 2016 brought.

So, here I am saying thank you, 2016.

Thank you, 2016 for the love I was given, the people in my life.

Thank you, 2016 for another year with my son. Seeing him grow, laugh, talk and evolve in every way possible is the biggest gift I’ve ever had.

Thank you for the laughter, the little joys of daily life.

Thank you for showing me again and again and again that food, that my body, that diets have no control over my mind anymore.

Thank you for my growing tribe.

Thank you for the clients I’ve had the honor of coaching.

Thank you for every disappointment, every fear, every crisis I successfully pushed through.

Thank you for the moments in the sun, by the water, experiencing the freedom that I am allowed to live every single day.

Thank you, 2016 for allowing me to experience a deeper, more raw version of heartache.

Thank you, 2016 for showing me what doesn’t work for me.

Thank you for allowing me to grow.

To cry.

To feel so deeply.

Thank you for every cold, every illness, every time you forced me to slow down and rest.

Thank you for every challenge that has enabled me to unlock yet another door of my heart.

Thank you for all the little stumbles, for all the opportunities, for all the steep mountains I’ve climbed.

Thank you for every song my son sang to me, for every moment he played his guitar.

Thank you for Beyoncé, who’s rocked my world.

Thank you for making me braver, for opening my eyes wider and for forcing me to up my self-care routines.

Thank you for every afternoon I got to pick up my son and see him running into my arms with the biggest smile on his face.

Thank you for every little baby hug I got.

Thank you for my travels, for seeing new countries and meeting new people.

Thank you for giving me the courage to speak up when I needed to, to self-protect when times where hard.

Thank you for the many nights I lay wide awake wondering what the future might hold.

Thank you for the early mornings, the hours of writing, the wonderful conversations.

Thank you for the snowy days and the hot summer nights.

There was beauty in this year, there was love, there was joy, there were moments of deep connection, long hugs and great nights of singing, dancing and being in the here and now.

I bowed to you, 2016. I am grateful for you.

And I leave you behind knowing that the best is yet to come.

Is Emotional Eating Seriously Impacting Your Happiness?

1The thing is, emotional eating won't solve your emotional problems and instead it makes you feel awful, ashamed, trapped and fat. You can gently let go of your emotional eating attacks (I did it!) by sitting down for short mediation sessions. My brand-new CD Finally Free - Guided Meditations To Freedom From Emotional Eating will lead you towards freedom, happiness and self-love.

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