Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course

Stop. Just stop.

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on November 25, 2016

Stop the excuses

Stop telling yourself you don’t have what it takes – when you don’t even know what that means.

Stop telling yourself freedom is reserved for everyone but you – when you’ve never even tried.

Stop telling yourself that because you’ve tried twice, you cannot try again.

Stop telling yourself that freedom from diets isn’t possible in the first place – just because it hasn’t happened yet.

Stop telling yourself coaching won’t help – when you’ve never even tried.

Stop telling yourself that going back to WW is the way to peace – when you’ve been down this road before.

Stop telling yourself that you need your husband’s permission – when you are your own person.

Stop telling yourself you don’t have the money – when you don’t even know how much it is.

Stop telling yourself that nothing will change – and instead begin to fight.

Stop telling yourself that it can’t be done – and instead admit that you’re SCARED.

Stop telling yourself that nothing tastes better than skinny feels – and instead begin to feel in the first place.

Stop resisting, stop finding excuses, stop lying to yourself – and instead ACT.

It’s never too late to live your dreams, no.

But I can promise you that it’s also never ever early enough to get started working on your core wounds and healing your life.

A few more hours until the 2 for 1 coaching session package is GONE.

Book your first coaching session or send me an email if you want to take advantage of this deal.

No more excuses. No more pretending you want out just to make yourself feel good. Now is the time to change for real or stay stuck in die hell for years to come.

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