Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course

The Case For Slowing Down and Reclaiming Time To Heal

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on March 14, 2016


Slow Down

We live in a world where to be stressed is to be important. Everything goes faster and faster, we keep working, working, working, chasing, chasing, chasing elusive goals and never ever slowing down in order to just be.

Of course this constant stress has a big impact on the way we feel, which in turn influences the way we eat and relate to our body.

Dropping into a place of slowness and spaciousness is especially important when you struggle with binge eating, poor digestion, chronic dieting and body image issues. Slowing down will not only help you to get in touch with your body, it’ll also turn you on to pleasure again and give you that clear mind you had before your eating issues took over your life.

On a physiologic level, stress turns off digestion and assimilation. It increases insulin and cortisol, which lowers calorie burning. This increase in the production of cortisol signals the body to de-sensitize itself to pleasure, which makes binge eating much likely to occur. I’ve written before that it’s almost impossible to binge when you’re not in a stress response.

When you slow down, on the other hand, maintenance and repair of body tissue, optimum digestion, assimilation and day in day out calorie burning of a meal happen naturally and effortlessly.

In other words, stress hurts the body, relaxation and pleasure heals it deeply.

In this episode of Escape Diet Prison, I share tips on the best ways to drop into the relaxation response, how stress manifests most often, what signals you have to watch out for and how you can use the power of slowing down to heal once and for all from your destructive relationship with calories, weight and your body.

Enjoy this episode of Escape Diet Prison and do share it if it helped or inspired you.

Love and light,

Anne-Sophie Reinhardt, Emotional Eating Coach

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debio March 27, 2016 at 12:53 am

I listened to the last 2 episodes of your podcast- I always ALWAYS find something to take forward with me. Thank you!

Anne-Sophie Reinhardt March 28, 2016 at 10:25 am

That’s because you’re willing to take it in without judgment. 🙂 Glad that you can be so open and take what sounds good to you. xx

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