Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course

Shame, Fear & Complete Vulnerability

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on June 29, 2016


body image coach

Shame. Fear. Guilt. Vulnerability.

These are the 4 pillars that hold most of us back from healing.

These are the things nobody really wants to talk about.

These are the things that we ALL struggle with.

I recorded a VERY off-the-cuff episode of Escape Diet Prison while I was walking around downtown Toronto on Sunday about these issues.




I know you feel like food is overtaking your life.
You’ve told me how your weight is literally weighing you down every single day.
You’ve shared that can’t eat anything without feeling guilty and you’re super ashamed of your body.

And I know you’ve tried it all but food is still consuming all your life.

I so know where you’re coming from and – as you know – I also know how to escape diet and food prison and create a life that is truly free from all that crap.

I also know that YOU can do that too.

Just imagine getting up in the morning without trying to start a new diet.
Just imagine eating without having the feeling of not being able to stop.
Just imagine food not being an issue, it just being an easy peasy part of your every day life.

Just imagine the freedom, the love for life, the time and energy you’ll gain by letting go of overeating and tuning in to what you actually need.

OVERCOMING OVEREATING – the 2 week workshop will get you to exactly that POINT.

Starting on July 4th, I am mentoring 20 women who are ready to stop overeating and want to tune in to their body hatred, FEARS and BLOCKS more than EVER before.

Together, we’ll resolve those and get you to where you DESERVE to be.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

– How to stop overeating once and for all
– How to stop believing in good and bad foods
– How to stop the psychic war you’re engaging in with yourself
– How to stop listening to others who still put morality on food
– How to have a healthy and SANE relationship with food, so you can get your life, freedom and time back!

After this program, this is what you can expect to happen

– You’ll KNOW why you overeat and how to ease back into having a “normal” relationship with food
– You’ll be able to continue eating foods you love without getting triggered into big binges
– You’ll no longer be putting life on the back burner while trying to overcome overeating
– You’ll enjoy your food so much more
– You’ll be able to LEARN from your overeating and use it

Again, I know how AMAZING it can feel to ESCAPE all this crap for once and all.

Email me to get your spot (only a couple left!) and we’ll change your life forever starting on July 4th!

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Want out of diet hell? Join the Escape Diet Prison Facebook Group for support, insights and connections with other women who are ready to live the life they never lived. Plus, tons of videos, blog posts and insights that I only give in the Facebook group.

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