Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course

You can’t change… if you don’t want to

November 9, 2016

I am bored with your excuses.   So so bored.   Seriously.   It’s lame to continue saying that you cannot do it, that you’ll never love your body, that you’ll only be happy if you lose the weight, that others might be able to accept who they are but you certainly don’t.   I […]

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When You Crave Fatty Foods

November 8, 2016

…simply eat them. Fat has a very important reason for its existence: it keeps us alive. We need it to take another breath, to move one foot in front of the other, to hug our loved ones and live our dreams. When we don’t eat fat, we can’t think, feel, work, ovulate (and thus get […]

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Being Thin is Meaningless with Debi Oswald

November 7, 2016

In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, Debi Oswald shares her story of regaining her life after decades of going from one diet to the next. Deb is an art teacher, photographer, all around creative person, wife, mom of 3, grandma of 4, an avid kayaker and such a great friend. I met Deb […]

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It’s just a decision

November 5, 2016

Sometimes it’s just a decision. It’s just a moment where you make up your mind To love your body To stop feeling ashamed of who you are To own your food choices To stand in your power. Sometimes it’s really this easy: you say it, you do it, it’s done. However, most women don’t decide. […]

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When it feels hard

November 4, 2016

When it feels hard Don’t give up and simply go on When things go wrong Don’t give up and do it again When you gain weight Don’t give up and love your body When you lose control Don’t give up and love yourself When a client fires you Don’t give up and bless her soul […]

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Do not apologize

November 3, 2016

Here’s something really, really, REALLY important: STOP apologizing for your body, your weight AND your food choices. You do NOT have to comment on the fact that you’re eating a burger AGAIN. You do NOT have to make jokes about having to be new pants AGAIN. You do NOT have to find excuses for having […]

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You don’t really want to be free at all

November 2, 2016

When you embark on the journey to loving your body AS IT IS, it is important to acknowledge your fears. And there are many, aren’t there? As much as you want to stop struggling, you don’t want to be free. You don’t want to give up your judgments and you don’t want to give up […]

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November 1, 2016

There is no ONE DAY. There is no TOMORROW. There is no I WISH. Seriously. You have to take on body confidence TODAY. You have to allow yourself to feel fierce in the skin you’re in RIGHT NOW. And in the end, it is a decision you make. Yes, there is a lot of internal […]

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Do you ever listen to your true needs?

October 31, 2016

There’s a point in your life where not listening to your needs drives you down a road that is hard to recover from. And although taking care of your needs still has a bad rap, especially if you have a family, it is essential if you want to stop abusing food as a way to […]

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When Your Body Says No More… How to Heal Extreme Fatigue

October 24, 2016

Ever since June, I’ve struggled with extreme fatigue. First, I tried to push through it and just hoped that I would have my energy back soon. But as it continued for months, I had to begin to dig deep and figure out what was going on in my life that caused my body to completely stop functioning […]

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