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That moment of paralysis

March 4, 2017

That moment when the truth surfaces but you push it back down in a hurry so that you don’t have to know. That moment when it all comes together but you’re terrified that nothing will ever make sense again. That moment of knowing of deep pain of inclusion met by a fire of isolation. You’ve […]

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10 Things Body-Lovers Do Differently

March 3, 2017

Accepting and loving your body as it is doesn’t just happen. You don’t wake up one morning to find that you magically fell deeply in love with yourself and suddenly respect your body for everything it is instead of hating on it for everything it isn’t. Loving your body is a process – just like most everything in […]

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Allow yourself to be uncomfortable

March 2, 2017

It’s time to grow up. It’s time to stop wanting to be a princess, a little girl, a victim that needs saving. It’s time to allow yourself to be uncomfortable, to go where you don’t want to go, to be who you’ve always known you were. It’s time to step of the train of self-judgment […]

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Let Your Body Autocorrect Itself

February 28, 2017

It’s quite understandable – at least in the bubble of the weight culture that our modern society has created – to freak out when you gain weight. After all, we’re being told over and over and over again that gaining weight is a moral wrongdoing, a personal failure and a lack of willpower. It’s everything […]

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Finding that “Other Life” – Real stories about finding freedom from food

February 28, 2017

In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, Deb, Leila and I talk about their stories of struggling with food and truly breaking free. In honor of National Eating Disorder Awareness Week, we share the ups and downs of living in diet prison, living our day-to-day lives in order to lose weight, control food and our […]

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When you’ve gained weight…

February 17, 2017

I know that every cell of your body and mind is screaming for relief. I know that you are terrified that this will never end. I know that you believe that going on a diet is the only reasonable thing to do. And it even feels like a great idea, right? At least you’ll stop […]

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What else is there?

February 14, 2017

You are not your thoughts – even though it often feels that way. Whether you do anything or not, your thoughts will appear. The automatic process of the brain will produce a random string of thoughts that, over time, form beliefs and then create your life. That is not you though. That’s not your core. […]

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It Always Comes Back to Food

February 7, 2017

In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, Leila and I share the challenges of taking great care of yourself, leaving diet prison, being a mom, building a business and ,well, having a life. The truth is that self-care isn’t always the easy choice. When feeling overwhelmed, stressed or like life is throwing you one […]

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101 Body-Respect Affirmations

February 4, 2017

Affirmations are a beautiful way of changing the language in your head. They’re not a miracle method to healing all of your life’s problems, but they serve as a reminder of what is possible, where you’re headed and how life can change for you if you begin living in conversation with yourself today. Here are 101 […]

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Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open

February 3, 2017

Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open? ~ Rumi The door to freedom is wide open, love. I know it doesn’t feel that way. I know it feels more like the door is so tightly shut that you’re suffocating; losing a little bit more air every single day. I […]

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