Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course


February 13, 2015

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not […]

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Newsflash: The Purpose of Life Isn’t Eating

February 10, 2015

I’ve been thinking a lot about the purpose of life. About why we’re here – why I’m here. What is the reason of it all? What does it matter if we live or die? What does it matter if we are super thin or 50 pounds “overweight” (don’t believe in such a thing, but let’s just overlook this […]

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Life in the Light

February 4, 2015

I want to live in the light. I want a life in the light with giving, serving and taking away other’s agony. I want a life in the light with rest, good music and cuddles in bed. I want a life in the light with love, sacredness and peace. I want a life in the […]

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Bye bye 2014, Hello 2015!

December 30, 2014

Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes How do you measure, measure a year? In daylights, in sunsets In midnights, in cups of coffee In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife In five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes How do you measure, a year in the life? How about love? Yes, […]

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Cracking Open Yet Again

December 16, 2014

There are wounds we carry around for years. Some of these come from our childhoods and are buried deep inside. Others develop over time and they slip into our consciousness without us really noticing. My biggest wound – the one I’ve lived with forever – is my brother. I’ve talked about our relationship before, then I […]

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What’s Your Intention For The Holidays?

December 14, 2014

“Buy this.” “Try this.” “Do this.” “Decorate this way.” “Gift that way.” “Cook this meal.” “Bake these cookies.” Are you as sick and tired of these holiday stressors as I am? Then, today’s edition of Love Your Body The Way It Is is just for you. In today’s video, I share a little secret to making […]

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When Fat Stops Being Fat – 222 Ways To Stop Your Obsession With Food And Your Body

November 14, 2014

Question: How much money have you spent on thigh creams, fitness equipment, tummy tuck belts, weight loss programs, slim belly systems, dieting advice, magic weight loss pills, gym memberships and personal trainers? How many nights have you lain in bed crying because you’ve sabotaged yet another diet? How many times have you resolved to lose those 20 pounds […]

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Finding The Widsom In Your Misfortunes

October 14, 2014

Today’s blog is part of Mary Sabo’s Blog Tour called Misfortune into Opportunity. Read ALL of the wonderful entries of Mary’s tour here and enter to win awesome prizes like an Amazon Gift Card, health/wellness consultations, signed books by the authors and more! All of us struggle at times. Some more, some less. But not a single person in this […]

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THIS is life

October 12, 2014

I just returned from a beautiful getaway trip to Finland with my sister. It was so cool, peaceful and lovely. Instead of telling you about the trip, I thought I’d share some pictures of our time up in the North. A few years ago, there was no way of traveling feeling so light and being so present. I […]

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Soundtrack Of My Life – Lyrics That Helped Me Through Tough & Happy Times

September 25, 2014

Music is like my daily dose of coffee: I couldn’t live without it. Or maybe I could, but I definitely don’t want to. Ever. Music has made the toughest, scariest and loneliest times of my life bearable and it’s elevated every happy moment I’ve experienced. Music has always been there: to hold me, to create […]

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