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Listening to What the Body Wants with Christel van Gelder

March 21, 2015

On the last day of the series, Christel van Gelder shares how being diagnosed with Hasmimoto’s disease messed up her weight and body image and how she learned to listen to her body’s needs and honor it again. Growing up, how did you feel about your body? I never had a problem with my body when I was younger, […]

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Peeling Away the Layers of Perfectionism with Lori Race

March 20, 2015

It’s day 5 of the series already! Lori Race writes about childhood wounds, numbing her feelings with food, over-exercising, constant comparison and how she found her way back to health and joy. Growing up, how did you feel about your body? I didn’t begin to judge or feel shame or unhappiness with my body until I […]

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Exploring the Positve Reasons of Food Struggles with Annette Sloan

March 19, 2015

On day 4 of our Body Image Interview Series, Annette Sloan shares how she was able to create deep healing by letting go of shame and secrecy around her struggles with her body and food. “No matter where you are, if you’re paying attention, you’ll find a richness there.” Dana Jackson Growing up, how did you […]

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Using The Body As A Metaphor For “Me” with Cathy Yonek

March 18, 2015

It’s day 3 of the tour and I’m thrilled to share Cathy​’s post about feeling disconnected and uncomfortable from her body and finding her way back to herself. Growing up, how did you feel about your body? I felt disconnected. I was very much a kid who lived in my mind and my imagination. When […]

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Lessons in Being “Not-Normal” with Amy Pryce

March 17, 2015

It’s Day 2 of the Body Image Interview Series and today, Amy Pryce shares her story of living and coming to terms with a birthmark that makes her different than anybody else. Body image has been an issue for me since I was literally less than two years old. That’s when I had my first […]

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Make Your Body Your Home with Kaila Prins

March 16, 2015

I am super excited to launch the first ever (but certainly not the last) Body Image Interview Series here on Make Peace with Food, Your Body & Yourself. In the next 6 days, you’ll hear from 6 incredible women who share their stories of hope, loss, healing, setbacks, detachment and so much more. Each woman has her very […]

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Weight Loss: How About Not Having A Goal?

March 11, 2015

One of the biggest mistake you can make when you want to lose weight is having an exact weight loss goal. Why not let your body take you were it wants to go? Because it’s scary, right? But if you think about it, it’s the only sane thing you can ever do. Let’s say you […]

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When “Love Your Body” Is More Harmful Than Helpful

March 4, 2015

You can see the “love your body exactly the way it is” messages all over the Internet these days. And that is fantastic. Heck, I’m part of the movement. Yet more and more, I recognize how harmful and shaming this message of body-love can be if it’s not shared cautiously. Here’s the thing: The more we talk about getting to a place […]

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If you want to change your body….

February 26, 2015

Are you working on breaking your obsession with calories but you’re constantly telling yourself how fat you are? Are you hoping to find joy in food again but you’re looking at it as your biggest enemy? Are you yearning for more energy but you’re punishing yourself with an excess of exercise? Are you dreaming of finally feeling sexy in your skin but you’re […]

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Anger. Hate. Disappointment. Frustration. Any of this sound familiar?

February 16, 2015

Let’s talk about anger. Anger has a big impact on body image, self-love and your eating habits. Anger can make or break a binge. It can make or break the way you feel in your clothes. It can make or break a resolution to finally eat whatever the heck you want. Anger – as much as […]

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