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A Call To Action For All Women

June 26, 2015

One of the biggest grievances I have regarding us women is that we don’t accept the work we need to do in this world at this time. We don’t see that we’re the biggest obstacles in our own way of finding body image freedom and joy in food. You see… It’s us who invented the thigh […]

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What I’ve learned in my first year of being a single mom

June 24, 2015

So, my baby boy who was just born like yesterday is now 1 year old. It’s hard to grasp how fast time flew by. It’s hard to grasp that this tiny baby that was just in my belly is now beginning to walk, talk and really engage with the world. He’s grown and evolved (just like […]

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What’s your body religion?

June 17, 2015

All of us carry around certain beliefs about our body. Most of them are: I need to be thin to be loved. A bigger body is an unhealthy body.  I need to be slender to be beautiful.  I’m ugly because I have fat.  If I stop dieting, my body will explode.  My body betrays me.  People don’t respect […]

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When You’re Being Hated for Who You Are

May 17, 2015

Let’s be real: just like not everyone in this world is going to think you’re beautiful, not everyone on this planet is going to like you. There’ll be lots of people who love you, there’ll be people who won’t care about you, and there’ll also be people who downright hate you – just because you are […]

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The Gift of Our Compulsions with Mary O’Malley

May 5, 2015

Today, I am delighted to share an interview with one of my greatest teachers and inspirations: Mary O’Malley. Mary is an author, counselor and awakening mentor in Kirkland, Washington. In the early 1970’s, a powerful awakening led Mary to begin changing her relationship with her challenges, freeing her from a lifelong struggle with darkness. Mary’s […]

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You’ve Got to Make Your Choice

April 28, 2015

There’s one thing you have GOT to stop doing when you are serious about wanting to accept your body: you have GOT to stop believing in and going on diets.  There’s no way around it. It’s non-negotiable. If you continue to believe that your next diet is going to fix you, make you better, more worthy and […]

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Let Your Body Take Care Of You

April 23, 2015

We believe that we’re the ones who take care of our body. Sometimes we take good care of it and other times, well, we kinda don’t give a crap about it. There are times when we wish our body away and times when we are truly grateful for its existence. No matter which phase we’re in though, we always […]

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Self-Care for the Busy Mommy

April 16, 2015

Before I was a mommy, I wrote a lot about very elaborate self-care practices that nourish your entire being and give you the resources you need to step into your highest self. * Now, however, that I am a mom and my “real” life has begun, my eyes are wide open and I realize that self-care ain’t […]

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Transition out of your dieting lifestyle

April 1, 2015

Are you losing and gaining the same 5 pounds over and over and over again because you feel that you have no “willpower”? Do you have a gym membership but all it does is shame you and make you feel insecure in your skin? Then it’s time for a huge mindset shift. In this teleclass, […]

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Think independently and critically with Kai Hibbard

March 31, 2015

Today, I have a bonus body image interview in store for you with “regretful” Biggest Loser participant Kai Hibbard. She shares how her time on Biggest Loser destroyed her body image and made her feel more insecure than ever before. I’m thrilled that she tells the truth about the destructive side of reality TV and our […]

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