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Invited for dinner? How to NOT freak out!

October 26, 2015

You’re in your routine. You’re eating regular meals. Maybe you’re still restricting, maybe not. But all is going well, until you receive a message asking you to join friends for dinner in a couple of days. In an instant, you freak out. Your mind immediately starts to go crazy with thoughts about calories, not finding the […]

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The Morality of Food

October 19, 2015

One thing I hear over and over and over again is “I’ve been good this week” or “I’ve binged on bad foods and feel disgusted with myself.” This drives me nuts as there are neither good nor bad foods. A piece of pie doesn’t suddenly grow devil horns and tell you what a rotten person you are and […]

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Why Chronic Dieting Will NEVER Work

October 2, 2015

Have you been committed to struggling for a long, long time? Have you hopped from one diet to the next, trying every new slimming drink and weight loss pill on the market? Have you been denying your body and yourself everything you desire but you still don’t lose the weight you want to get rid of? […]

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Why Can’t I Have the Perfect Body AND Be Sane Around Food?

September 19, 2015

Have you ever wished, begged, bargained with God to just give you the absolute perfect body and at the same time allow you to be sane around food? Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be super thin and still be able to eat all the food in the world without thinking twice about the […]

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Up and Down, Up and Down – How to learn to Go with the Flow

September 10, 2015

One day you feel great about your body, the next day you feel homeless. One day you like your legs, the next day you wish you could cut them off. One day you look in the mirror and are confident, the next day you hate everything you see. It’s a constant up and down and […]

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Is this you?

August 28, 2015

There’s a girl living down the street. She seems to lead a normal life; goes to work every morning, drinks her coffee, smiles at strangers and waves hello every time we pass. She paints her nails, listens to music, watches TV and goes about her daily life with quiet diligence. There’s a girl living down […]

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5 Books to Read This August

July 22, 2015

Summer time is reading time – at least for me. I love diving into new books, exploring new adventures and following the paths of awesome female characters and exceptionally interesting science books. On our vacation in Italy, I spent every free minute reading: from The Life List to Body of Truth to What Are You […]

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Radical Body-Acceptance Workbook

July 10, 2015

Hi lovely, I wanted to create something special for you before I leave for vacation to Italy (I cannot wait!). So, I put together this Radical Body-Acceptance Workbook for you. Now, before you dive into the juicy body-acceptance exercises in this workbook, I want to explain a few things. This workbook is designed to get […]

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Just Perfect: Hanne Arts

July 7, 2015

A few weeks ago, I received an email from a girl named Hanne Arts who had just published her first novel and asked me to add it to my resource list for girls fighting anorexia. When I heard about Hanne’s story, I instantly wanted to interview here and I’m thrilled that she’s answering some questions for […]

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What to Wear In Summer When You Hate Your Body

July 3, 2015

It’s hot. Really, really, really hot! And while we’re all dying of this heat, trying to stay as cool as possible eating ice-cream to reduce the pain, most of my clients are in an existential crisis. For them, this time of the year is not about getting a tan, being outside and enjoying the sun; nope, […]

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