Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course

Why Obsession Never Works – And What to Do Instead

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on November 26, 2016


It never works.

Whether you want to manifest something in your life or whether you want to find the love of your life or whether you want the body of your (brainwashed) dreams.

Obsession does not work.

It gives you pain. It gives you terror. It gives you grief.

I know.

I am a very obsessive kind of a person.

It started in elementary school (probably earlier) when I was obsessed with performing a Spice Girls concert on a real stage in our garden – with my friends who later hated me because I was OBSESSED.

Then it was all about my grades – anything less than an A was unacceptable. I never had a fun day at school.

Then came my body. Years and years and years of misery.

And you’d think that after this time, I would’ve understand what obsession does to me, but nope.

I became obsessed with having huge success in my business.

Tears. Agony. Anger. Pain.

Obsession is not fun, ladies.

You know what IS fun?

Living in the hear and now. Giving your best. Learning. Dreaming. Scheming. And then letting go. Over and over and over again.

Not living a life of obsession doesn’t mean to not live a life of love, of commitment, of having dreams – big or small.

However, living a life without obsessing means to do your best and then let it go.

You cannot force an outcome.

You just can’t.

Love your body. Feed it with food you love. Give it movement. Take great care of it.

And then surrender the rest to the Universe, God, angels, nature, whatever it is you believe in.

Whether you get sick or not – not 100% in your control.

When you die – not in your control.

How you die – also definitely not in your control.

Your exact weight – not in your control.

The way your body reacts to certain foods – not in your control.

If you have big boobs or small boobs – not in your control.

If you are tall or short – not in your control.

Where you gain weight or lose it – not in your control.

So, stop the obsession. Don’t believe people who tell you that obsession leads to happiness, eternal life and the body of our culture’s dreams.

Don’t let them fool you.

Instead, live your life in the here and now. Be a good person. Be respectful to your body. Learn from it and then move on.

You deserve more than working your entire life for something that you’ll never be able to control anyway.

Ready to change your life? Book a 30-minute complimentary Discovery Call with me to see how I can help you turn that body-hatred into freedom and love.

Let go of dieting - for good
It's time to take your power back

1Here’s the truth: living a life of dieting is not living at all. Being a slave to the gym means losing the joy you naturally deserve. The weight loss industry has been lying to us, brainwashed us and hurt and destroyed us for way too long.

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