Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course

Why I am NOT a weight loss coach

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on June 12, 2016

weight loss coach
We focus SO much on numbers in this culture: scales, calories, points, grams, sizes, etc. It’s insane and it drives us crazy and makes us sick – literally.

And I see so many health coaches who are really doing great work, but focus on numbers, just to get you in the door. And yeah, it makes it easier because ALL WE ALL EVER WANT IS TO LOSE WEIGHT, BE LEAN, HAVE ABS AND ALL THAT, RIGHT?

It sickens me, to be honest and even though I COULD promise you ALL the weight loss in the world, I’ll never do it.

Because you know what, I couldn’t care less if you lose weight or not.

I don’t care if you wear a size 10 or 8. I don’t care if you weigh 100 pounds or 150. I do not care.

What I do care about is that you stop feeling imprisoned, that you stop feeling ashamed, that you stop feeling the constant need to eat and then feel guilt.

What I do care about is your mental freedom.

What I do care about is your health.

What I do care about is you living a life that matters to you.

A life without diets, a life without self-hate, a life without self-blame and body-shame.

What I do care about is YOU.

So, if there are coaches out there saying that weight loss should be the GOAL of creating a healthy body image, they’re WRONG. So, so wrong.

Because weight loss being the goal will lead to more disordered eating, it’ll lead to more pain, more shame, more guilt. Weight loss will not automatically reverse your health, it might even impact it negatively. Weight loss as the goal will not automatically heal your metabolism, it destroys it.

Weight loss as the goal will not lower your set point, it’ll increase it.

Weight loss and dieting are NOT the miracle cures they’re made out to be and they more often than not make you more miserable than you were before. So, stop focusing on weight loss. Stop believing that diets will heal your life. Stop being so darn obsessed with your scale (in fact, throw that away right now – I did it 5 years ago and my life has never been better). Stop counting calories to control your weight because all you do is control your misery. Stop the nonsense and go back to what truly matters: YOU and YOUR LIFE.

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And as long as you are waiting to lose those “extra 5 pounds” (as if they really mattered at all) in order to get out there and do what you’ve always wanted to do, you’re screwing yourself over, you’re letting weight loss get in the way.

THAT is why I am not a weight loss coach. I don’t want to enable you to perpetuate your story of having to put life on hold until you have your dream weight (which – have you ever checked with your body if your number is OK with her?) and dream body.

I don’t want to enable you to continue living with toxic nutritional beliefs and incredibly silly rules (like I did for decades) just to stay thin.

I don’t want to enable you to live a life that is less than what you CAN have even if your body never changes at all.

The question is: do YOU want to continue to enable yourself?

If the answer is no and you REALLY want to find out what is possible for you, schedule a complimentary breakthrough coaching call with me where we tap into your dreams, your fears, your blocks and intentions and get you to absolute freedom from food, true body acceptance and the deep seeded knowledge that you are every so beautifully enough the way you are.

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