Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course


by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on November 1, 2016

There is no ONE DAY.
There is no TOMORROW.
There is no I WISH.

You have to take on body confidence TODAY.
You have to allow yourself to feel fierce in the skin you’re in RIGHT NOW.

And in the end, it is a decision you make.
Yes, there is a lot of internal work and healing to be done when you have struggled with food and your body for years but you CAN feel amazing in THIS moment.

If you DECIDE to feel great, you WILL feel great.
And if there is anger, fear, shame and guilt coming up, you deal with it. BUT you STILL feel great.

You still go out there and rock your body the way you’ve always wanted to.
You master food situations the best way possible because you’ve decided you can do it.
You can’t always wait until TOMORROW.
You can’t forever tell yourself you wish you could pull it off.
You can’t do it ONE DAY.

You have to do it today.
Because you OWE it to yourself.

You OWE it to this world.
You OWE it to the next generation.
You OWE it to your life.

Not one day… NOW.

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