Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course

What is Normal Eating?

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on August 14, 2016


normal eating

When you are finally ready to stop dieting, binging, restricting, overeating, freaking out, crying, shaming, you create the space for normal eating to occur.

But what does it mean to eat normally?

How do you feel when you eat normally?

Do you still think about food all the time?

Do you still watch what you eat?

How do fruits and veggies fit into normal eating?

What about chocolate and dessert?

Do you still care about food or is food just a thing you do because you have to survive?

Many questions, I got answers.

In this episode of Escape Diet Prison, I dive into the concept of normal eating, while touching methods like Intuitive Eating, Mindful Eating and complete Freedom in Eating.

You’ll also hear from four members of the Escape Diet Prison Community who share their thoughts and feelings about normal eating and how they’ve incorporated it into their lives.

Enjoy this episode!

Love and light,

anne-sophie signature



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[FREE Mini Course] Are You Ready to Escape The Endless Cycle?
It's time to stop trying the latest and greatest diets.
It's time to stop counting calories.
It's time to stop obsessing over the scale.
It's time to stop spinning on a hamster wheel, filling yourself with frustration as you repeat the same habits over and over again with no results.
Guess what?
I hear you. I have been there. That is why I created my FREE mini course where I will show you how to live a life without scales and counting calories and instead with freedom and happiness.

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