Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course

Never give up

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on March 24, 2017

Never give up.

It sounds so cheesy but it’s so so true.

Wherever you are
Whatever is going on in your life
Whoever you think you’re not
However you believe you need to change
to be worthy, enough, whole,

Don’t give up on yourself.

Don’t give up
on your dream of freedom from your obsession with food
and weight

Don’t give up
on your desire to leave the shame behind

Don’t give up
on your life.

There’s always a next step
always a new dawn
always a glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel.

Even the darkest one.

So, even if you feel behind
even if you feel like treading water
even if you feel lost as hell

Don’t give up.

Because you never know
the next step might just be the one that leads you to
the place you’ve always dreamt of.

You’ve gotten up again and again?
You feel like you cannot do it one more time?
Hope is gone?
You’ve tried it all?

I say, try it again.
Give it another go.
Another chance.

You may not have been in the mental space you needed to be at the time.
You may not have known what you know now.
You may not have been ready.

And maybe you’re not ready now.
But you’ll never know if you don’t try.

So, get up again.
Dust yourself off

Put some pixie dust over your head
Some glitter on your face
Some sparkles on your clothes

And go out into the world
Go into your own universe

Do what you need to do in order to feel hope again.

Do what you’ve always done
But change just one thing
Or change it all.

Give yourself all of yourself
Give your journey all you’ve got

And do it over and over and over again.

Do not give up.
Ever again.

We’re counting on you. <3


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