Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course

Is your negative body image ruining your career?

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on May 29, 2016


2016-05-27 11.10.17-1Have you ever passed on a huge career opportunity because you didn’t feel thin enough?

Have you ever skipped a great networking event because you couldn’t find the right clothes?

Have you ever kept silent instead of speaking up because you felt unworthy and too fat?

Have you ever been so distracted by how you look or what you ate that you couldn’t follow what your super important client had to say?

This is something that MANY women do and this has got to stop.

We women have to stop being our own worst enemies and instead step into the light, heal our negative body image and finally get what we’ve always wanted to have: no matter our weight, our shape, our food choices that day.

In this episode of Escape Diet Prison, I’ll show you how to finally stop letting your weight keep you from getting out there, being self-confident and taking the right steps toward your dream career and life without feeling ashamed, insignificant or unworthy.

Lady bosses and those wanting to impact the world, this one is for you.


Did you hear? I am running my very first Fierce Body-Confidence Masterclass!

***Starts June 15***  ***Limited Seats Available***

I am offering a once in a lifetime opportunity to take your relationship with your body to the next level.

Work with me in my upcoming Masterclass.

I’ll be your personal coach/mentor/trainer (of the mind) for 4 weeks, focusing all my attention on getting YOU out of dieting hell and into creating the peace with your body and Self you absolutely want.

You’ll get done-for-you worksheets, checklists, videos and audio trainings, daily live streams, weekly coaching calls and unlimited access to ME (through Whatsapp and a private Facebook Group).

This Masterclass will get you to a level of working with your body, relating to your body, caring for your body and understanding your body like you’ve never done before. Plus, your relationship to food will change for the better – the WAY better.

We’ll work on the feelings, the knowledge, the mindset, the fears, the past experiences, the future goals and so much more.

At the end of this Masterclass, you’ll have mastered the beginnings and beyond of healing your hungry soul, changing the way your binges go, knowing the difference between nourishment and modern diets, allowing feelings to arrive without using food to soothe, accepting your body and the pain it caused you, eating for pleasure versus eating for pain, getting your mind back on track, checking in with your body for more than just food AND saying goodbye to diets FOREVER – without blowing up like a balloon (which is your biggest fear, right?).

Want in?

Send me an email to

Join us in the Escape Diet Prison Facebook Group here.

Love and light,

anne-sophie signature

Want to be part of a supportive group of women - AND get daily support from me?
Join the Escape Diet Prison Group
Want out of diet hell? Join the Escape Diet Prison Facebook Group for support, insights and connections with other women who are ready to live the life they never lived. Plus, tons of videos, blog posts and insights that I only give in the Facebook group.

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