Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course

8 Habits that Keep You Stuck with a Negative Body Image

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on April 18, 2016


Do you still have negative body image habits that keep you living life on the sidelines?

Most of my clients come to me having scratched the surface of escaping diet prison but not really having gone deeper, not having gone to the place that matters.

And that is perfectly OK because you have to start somewhere, right? Starting on the surface is often the gateway to deep, lasting body image healing.

In order to get to that place where a healthy body image lies, you have to let go of some embedded habits that keep you in the twilight of chronic dieting, hating your body and wanting to get to the other side.

In this episode of Escape Diet Prison, I explore 8 telltale habits that keep you from moving towards health, self-love and true body confidence.

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1. You weigh yourself daily

I hear this ALL the time:

I cannot stop weighing myself because of my health.
I cannot stop weighing myself because I’ll gain weight.
But weighing myself is really not that bad.

Well, it is.

I promise you that weighing yourself will keep you stuck in body-loathing mode for the rest of your life. You’ll never truly recover your body image if you continue to weigh yourself.

I haven’t stepped on a scale in years and it’s made my life so much better. I remember the times where the walk to the scale was the way to start my day. I was both scared and excited to see how “good” I’d been. Of course, depending on what the oh-so-powerful scale told me, I was either happy or terribly sad.

It was a rollercoaster and there was no way for me to win.

If you’re stuck in the thought that you must weigh your body, simply stop. Throw away the scale. There’s no reason on earth you should ever own one for yourself.

2. You Make Negative Comments About Your Body All. The. Time

When you’re stuck in diet prison, it is quite normal to make mean comments about your body.

Obviously, you need to beat yourself up, criticize your thighs, hate on your flabby arms and your fat belly in order to make yourself work out, stay hungry and on track towards reaching your goal weight, your happy place.

Replacing the fat talk with love and compassion takes commitment and the willingness to start over and over again.

Yet, this is an essential part of the healing journey you have to undertake if you are heading towards freedom.

3. You Read Magazines that Make You Feel Awful

Fat-shaming, body-shaming and women-shaming magazines are everywhere and they’re hiding behind women empowerment slogans in order to make you feel twice as bad.

By continuing to flick through these magazines while waiting in line, reading the demeaning headlines, surrounding yourself with the negativity around ever so perfect bodies, you are making yourself feel awful.

Look away, laugh at the headlines, laugh at the editors and they’re ridiculous ideas and know that this is all about making big bucks.

4. You Still Read Diet Books

This is even worse than picking up magazines.

If you continue to look for the magic diet, you are never ever going to accept your body. You will forever feel imprisoned, you will forever feel too big, too fat, too much.

Diet books are meant to make you feel bad about yourself. They’re selling you a dream, a desire you can fulfill so much better if you stop dieting and start living.

Here’s the truth: there is no saving diet. There is no weight loss program that will magically make you love your body.

Cut this habit out of your life. The sooner you do, the better.

5. You Count Calories

Believing that you have to continue counting calories to control your weight is a bunch of crap.

Calories and keeping a certain weight aren’t related as food is so so so much more than just a certain number of calories. You can’t begin to accept your body if you don’t begin to listen to it; really listen to the hunger cues, really listen to satiation.

Counting calories is extremely counterproductive and will forever keep a healthy body image at arm’s reach.

6. You Use Artificial Sweeteners

I just listened to an interview with James Krieger about the supposedly undeserved bad reputation that artificial sweeteners have gotten. While I am always open for new perspectives, I am not so sure about this one – even though I really wish because is there anything better than an ice cold coke zero on a hot summer day?

Fact is that there is research showing the negative impact on health and the brain that artificial sweeteners have. Another fact is that you will keep in diet mode if you choose artificial sweeteners over real sugars because of your weight.

Choosing artificial sweeteners is always a choice for the current beauty ideal and a blow against your natural body and its image.

7. You Over Exercise

More is better, right?

Not when it comes to exercise. Your body needs rest in order to repair, recuperate and reap the rewards of your workouts.

It is scary to reduce the intensity and time of your workouts. It feels like you’re giving in, giving up, letting go of your dreams and your willpower.

What you’re gaining though is a thriving body, better health and a truly balanced relationship with the skin you’re in.

8. You Eat (And Drink) Diet Products

Having low-cal yoghurt, no fat milk, low carb bread or fat free chips in your fridge will keep the diet mentality going for the rest of your life, which in turn will keep you hating upon your body for just as long.

It is time to throw all of that stuff away and instead buy the full fat versions that not only have all the benefits of real nutrition but also keep your mind sane and your body healthy.

Listen to the Podcast for more information.

Enjoy this episode of Escape Diet Prison and do share it if it helped or inspired you.

Love and light,

Anne-Sophie Reinhardt, Emotional Eating Coach

Do you ADORE food -
But you secretly feel guilty and ashamed every time you eat?

1You love eating and still, you are secretly afraid of it. Because it makes you gain weight (you think), it makes you unattractive (you believe), it makes you feel guilty (unfortunately, yes) and it makes you feel more and more at war with yourself (maybe that is true too).

So, how can you start being more relaxed around food again and make it an event?

This program will show you how.

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