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How to manifest your dream life

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on March 19, 2017

color cravings by slight clutter on Flickr

color cravings by slight clutter on Flickr

As I am writing this, I am sitting in my brand-new apartment looking out the windows into the fall sun, the curtains are flowing in the mild breeze and I’m working away – blissfully, happily, at peace.

I’ve been here before many, many times. I’ve worked on this desk. I’ve seen the sun shining through the curtains. I’ve even seen the furniture in the room when turning around. I’ve experienced the freedom and peace of mind.

It all feels so familiar.

Of course, I only moved in a few months ago, but in my mind, I have lived in this home for years.


Not through some weird time travel, but through the power of visualization.

For the past few years, I’ve been having a non-negotiable morning routine. I get up, light some candles and meditate on the life I want to live. I imagine my family, my business, my apartment, my possessions and – most importantly – my core desired feelings.

This is not only an amazingly positive and inspiring way to start my day, but it’s also a secret weapon in making my dreams come true – without actually doing anything. Well, in that moment that is.

When I sit down to meditate and I see who I am, what I have and where I am, I begin a process of transformation inside that soon starts to translate into my daily actions and my overall attitude, attracting opportunities I never deemed possible and a life I never dared to think about.

But it’s here. I have it. I live it. I am it.

Getting the apartment I wanted wasn’t the first thing I ever manifested into reality.

In late 2012, I listened to the song “Good Life” by OneRepublic over and over again and in February 2013 I was accepted into Jonathan Field’s Good Life Project spending 10 months with Jonathan and 20 incredible human beings.

Last year, I changed my usernames to “create new life 2013”, which turned out to be a catch. On top of having a figurative new life, I created a literal new life. Oooops, be careful what you’re putting out there…

Manifestation changed my life to the core and it changed me with it.

Many things I dreamed about required me to be more open, more focused, more self-confident and less fearful. In order to achieve my goals, I had to let go of old habits, my insecurities and my limiting beliefs. Visualizing myself in that confident, self-assured way helped to unlock those doors.

As a result, I’m happier, more aligned, more trusting and at peace with myself.

So, how can you too create the life of your dreams? Here’s how.

Get Crystal Clear

The most important thing about manifesting your ideal life is to know what you want. It’s also the hardest part, isn’t it? What DO you want? The true you, not the socially conformed you? What does your heart desire? Where do you want to go? Who do you want to be?

Give yourself time to get clear about the guy you’d like to attract, the career you really want to have, the way you want to feel on a daily basis.

Meditate on it, listen to your body and then write it down – the more detailed the better.

Create Triggers

One of the best ways to keep your dreams in your awareness is to create triggers in your daily life. Listen to music that reminds you of your dream to move to NYC. Change your passwords to reflect your new income goal. Use a photo of the destination of your dreams as your screensaver. Change your commute to drive by the house that looks similar to the one you desire. Read the poem that reminds you of the way you want to feel every day.

The possibilities are endless. Make the triggers your own.


Create a visualization practice that is non-negotiable. It doesn’t have to be long; 10 – 15 minutes are plenty. What matters is that you do it consistently.

So, carve out that time in your life, put it on the calendar and stick to it. No exceptions!


Now that you’re inspired and internally ready for a new phase in your life, it’s time to act.

The great thing is that this action will seem easier than before as you are aligned and clear about what you want. Every day, take at least one step in the direction of your dreams, whether that is de-cluttering your home to get ready to simplify, taking an online course to learn more about marketing your business, going on a date or taking a spinning class.

Remember that these small actions will add up soon and before you know it, you and your life will have changed drastically.

Enjoy the rewards

Last but not least, enjoy the rewards of your practices. Tune in to the joy you feel and the gratitude you experience. Anchor yourself in the small victories and be confident that more of these moments are in your immediate future.

Don’t be discouraged if your visualization doesn’t seem to come true in a week or two. Sometimes these things take longer and often times, you’ll be surprised at how fast your new life knocks on your door.

Bonus tip:

Denise Duffield-Thomas, the person who really taught me how to manifest things years ago (like my amazing clients or my awesome friends (most of them are my clients, actually) into my life – which sucked before I started to change my mindset – is giving away her Manifesting Formula for free right now.

It’s very easy and practical.

Sign up here:

Denise is an incredible money mindset mentor, AKA “The Lucky Bitch” whose best-selling books and courses have helped thousands of people step-up to create abundance in their lives.

Denise will share her process that will take you from “personal development junkie” into a manifesting MACHINE.

She makes it easy, fun and totally chilled. There’s a free cheat sheet so you can play along.

Just sign up here (it’s free):

You don’t need to be perfect, meditate five hours a day or chant naked under a full moon to manifest your ideal life!

But you DO need to CLEAR your mind of any blocks, get CRYSTAL clear on your goals, infuse every part of your day with positivity, take inspired ACTION and learn to RECEIVE (yes, it’s a learned process – women really struggle with that part).

Play along here:

You know I don’t share anything with you that I don’t 100% belief, but this is a cool opportunity to achieve your goals and create HAPPINESS in your life – which is what I did with this process (and tons of body-loving activities ;).

CakeSpy October 7, 2014 at 4:45 pm

What a beautiful post. Even in a good place it’s a great idea to remain strong in your goals and purpose. What a beautiful way of staying true to yourself and clear in your goals. You are an inspiration! <3

Anne-Sophie Reinhardt October 14, 2014 at 12:50 pm

Thank you, love. And you’re right, even if you’re in a good place, it’s fun to have goals and dreams and see what else is out there while continuing to see the beauty in the life you live now.

Candice August 5, 2016 at 2:06 am

Listening to Good Life now! Great article that is still relevant right now! Getting to work. Thanks for this!

Anne-Sophie Reinhardt August 7, 2016 at 11:18 am

It’s a great song. 🙂 Have fun manifesting, Candice. x

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