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Why “Less Food + More Exercise = Less Weight” Is Crap

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on February 22, 2016


We’ve all heard the calculation: Less food + more exercise = less weight.

We are still being bombarded with this “fact” all the time. Magazines show you the most effective exercises to burn as many calories in as little time as possible. “Experts” tell you what to eat in order to take in as little calories as possible. And trainers still tell their clients that if only they ate less and moved more, they’d finally lose that stubborn weight.

Well the truth is, that all of this is BS.

If “Less food + more exercise” worked, 99% of us would be thin.

The truth is that this calculation and this way of putting immense pressure on people is factually incorrect.

The truth is that we are not just a simple input/output calorie-burning machine.

The truth is that it takes way more than that to help a person lose weight.

There are a gazillion reasons why you might not be losing weight.

Your calorie burning capacity is affected by dozens of factors like stress, relaxation, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, the time of day you eat, meal frequency, pleasure you receive from a meal, your relationships to your own sexuality, spirituality, money, love, loved ones, macronutrient balance, water consumption, what drugs you take, birth control, quality of food, quality of fat in your diet, toxins, food allergies.

That’s why less food and more exercise alone are not enough.

Listen to this episode of Escape Diet Prison to hear my take on this outdates “scientific fact”, what it does to the minds of people, how it’s hurting our society and what you can do to leave this belief behind, build resiliency and truly take care of your body – without dieting your brains out.

Enjoy this episode of Escape Diet Prison and do share it if it helped or inspired you.

Love and light,

Anne-Sophie Reinhardt, Emotional Eating Coach

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