Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course

It’s just a decision

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on November 5, 2016

Sometimes it’s just a decision.
It’s just a moment where you make up your mind
To love your body
To stop feeling ashamed of who you are
To own your food choices
To stand in your power.

Sometimes it’s really this easy: you say it, you do it, it’s done.

However, most women don’t decide.
We go back and forth, reconsider, question, waver and never really make up our mind.

Yes, one day you feel it’s a good idea to love your body.
But the next day you hear a friend who’s on a diet and you think: well, yeah, I could do THAT too.
So, you go back to a method that’s not been working for you, that’s not been working for 99% of all people on this planet.
But you believe that this time it’ll be different, this time you’ll lose weight and this time you’ll keep it down.

THEN, yes then, you’ll accept your body.
THEN you’ll stop feeling ashamed.
THEN you’ll stand in your power and heal whatever made you to be crazy around food in the first place.

But deep down you know it doesn’t work. You know that diets are just another way of messing up your relationship with food, your metabolism, your friendships and your happiness in life.

You know that you’ll only be able to live on a 1200 calorie diet for a few weeks before you ‘give in’ and start getting back to being a person with appetite again, you know, an actual human being who needs food to live.

You know this is just another tactic to delay the things you don’t want to face.

The fears, the pain, the monsters that keep showing.

But sometimes it really is just a decision. You decide to stop dieting and you do it.

Yes, it will feel uncomfortable for a while, but so does jojo dieting and feeling ashamed because of it.
Yes, it will suck at times, but so does losing and gaining weight over and over again.
Yes, you probably will have to face some demons, but that is a great thing because it ensures your emotional growth.

So, stop going back and forth, stop doubting, stop reaching for the quick fix and instead DECIDE to love your body, DECIDE to break free from diet prison, DECIDE to own your worthiness as a person and then go ahead and do what is necessary in order to HEAL.

Let go of dieting - for good
It's time to take your power back

1Here’s the truth: living a life of dieting is not living at all. Being a slave to the gym means losing the joy you naturally deserve. The weight loss industry has been lying to us, brainwashed us and hurt and destroyed us for way too long.

Purchase your audio lecture and get inspired to let go of your addiction to diets and begin to embrace the skin you’re in.

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