Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course

If food is not the problem, what is?

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on January 20, 2017

Anne-Sophie Reinhardt

You often hear me talk about food not being the real problem when you binge, overeat or diet.

And it’s true.

The question then becomes what is the real problem and how can you solve it in order to stop the crazy behavior around food?

Of course, there is no such thing as “a problem” as there can be as many causes to our struggles with food as there are people on this planet. Everything – every experience, every emotion, every event, every encounter, every little nuance of daily life – can be the reason and cause for the never-ending agony around food. As such the primary focus of the healing process needs to revolve around anything but food – which is often the biggest struggle because we want to focus SO MUCH on the food aspect.

In truth, there really is no problem at all as our struggles with food are really just an opportunity for growth, for bursting into true freedom and coming closer to your core. Binging, overeating, dieting are reminders that something in our lives is not in alignment – be it in our physical or spiritual world.

We can be happy and binge as sometimes our happiness feels like a betrayal to parents, siblings, the world as a whole. When that is the case, we need to go inward and heal whatever is holding us in the belief that we need to remain unhappy to not betray others.

We can be deeply unhappy and diet because dieting overrides our feelings. When that is the case we need to create safe havens where we can allow our feelings to arise and give ourselves the opportunity to heal.

When we attach all our worthiness on being thin and are only satisfied and (supposedly) happy when our frame reflects our narrow-minded thinking, we live in a delusion that can be broken at any moment and destroy our superficial happiness at once.

Real happiness is created by shedding all layers of “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts” and instead beginning to walk towards “coulds” and “couldn’ts”. It’s about creating a life worth living for instead of a body that is pleasing to look at for our modern beauty ideals.

There needs to be a paradigm shift from physical perfection to inner growth and kindness as a person. We need to start taking our whole being seriously again instead of focusing on this one small aspect of our lives.

Yes, body image and our struggles with food are deeply interrelated and neither one can be healed without looking at the other.

So, instead of focusing so much on the diet, the food, the binges and the overeating, begin to go deeper and look at what is underneath. What are you trying to hide with your obsession with food? What are you truly to numb? What are you trying to make up for?

And what are the steps you can take today to heal what really needs to be healed in your life?

Do you ADORE food -
But you secretly feel guilty and ashamed every time you eat?

1You love eating and still, you are secretly afraid of it. Because it makes you gain weight (you think), it makes you unattractive (you believe), it makes you feel guilty (unfortunately, yes) and it makes you feel more and more at war with yourself (maybe that is true too).

So, how can you start being more relaxed around food again and make it an event?

This program will show you how.

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