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Finding that “Other Life” – Real stories about finding freedom from food

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on February 28, 2017



In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, Deb, Leila and I talk about their stories of struggling with food and truly breaking free.

In honor of National Eating Disorder Awareness Week, we share the ups and downs of living in diet prison, living our day-to-day lives in order to lose weight, control food and our bodies – all in the hopes of finding happiness.

My favorite line of the episode: How can you be brave if you think you’re failure?

We also talk about feeling like we weren’t sick enough to get help or feeling like a failure in recovery because we didn’t do it right in the eyes of others and even our own judgmental selves.

We openly discuss the horrors of having an eating disorder, why eating disorders are still being seen as harmless, why losing weight is not the way to a glorious life and what really happens when you start to recover and heal. There’s so much greatness in this episode, so go ahead and listen right now. 

Deb’s got a new blog called “We are more than good enough” and she’s been on a writing roll! Check it out here.

If you’d like more support from Leila, join The Dressing Room. Go here.


Check out my new Email Series 365 Journaling Prompts for more Body-Confidence, Self-Love & Happiness. This soul-opening program will be delivered to your inbox every single day for a year. Get the details here.

Love and light,

anne-sophie signature



Want more support? Join the free Escape Diet Prison Facebook group to engage with others who are on the same path as you. We can only grow if we surround ourselves with like-minded people. If you don’t, you’ll stay stuck and that is a promise.

Enjoyed this episode? Share it with others in your life who MUST listen to it right now. YOU are a change maker in this world and your voice needs to be heard.

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Note: This podcasts is now also available on Stitcher!

*Photo found on Pinterest

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