Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on April 11, 2016


“The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.”
― Jordan Belfort

I probably wouldn’t have put it so harshly, but there’s a hint of truth in Belfort’s words.

When we’re in the trenches of escaping diet prison, when things get hard and we feel challenged, we often give in, find an excuse and go back to old (unhealthy, destructive, painful) ways of behaving around food and our body.

2016-04-03 16.13.31-2It’s quite human and there’s no shame in it, but if you keep going back to your old ways, you’ll never move towards the life you want to live, a life that is worthy of you, a life that is free of obsessive food thoughts and the constant fear of gaining (more) weight and living with a body you hate.

In this episode of Escape Diet Prison, I share the most often repeated excuses to not give up dieting and create a healthful relationship with your body.

It is actually not that bad

This excuse is often said when we’re gaining the first few pounds and we feel super uncomfortable. We then daydream about the glorious time we had when we dieted and binged. It was all so good. We felt so light. We were in control and life wasn’t really that bad at all.


But what about my health?

Gaining weight is often associated with diseases. And having a BMI over 25 is said to be so lethal that we do anything to stay under that critical number.

Well, these are lies made up by the pharmaceutical and the diet industry. We live longest with a higher BMI, which is quite a surprising fact considering that overweight is said to be so deadly. We also know that the BMI was lowered by the pharmaceutical industry in 1998 and suddenly, millions of people woke up being considered overweight and at risk without any of their doing.

So, yeah, I am not buying this one.

For the facts and backgrounds, read Health at Every Size. It’s a brilliant and critical book that everyone should read.

I don’t have the time to focus on healing

Just think of how much time you are spending now on obsessing over food, preparing food, reading diet books and blogs, weighing yourself, worrying about your weight and exercising.

How much more time would you have if you took the time now to focus on your inner wellbeing?

I won’t be able to stop eating

This excuse is a biggie and it comes up the most. Often times, we’ve experienced this in the past and are terrified that it will happen again.

But it doesn’t have to. And you’ll never find out if you don’t try (again).

It is not going to happen to me anyway

Yes, it will. I never thought that I could stop worrying about food and I did.

I never thought that I could stop overexercising and I did.

I never thought I could be happy and I am.

Listen to the podcast to get the full scoop and do share your excuses in the comments below.

Love and light,

anne-sophie signature

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Is Emotional Eating Seriously Impacting Your Happiness?

1The thing is, emotional eating won't solve your emotional problems and instead it makes you feel awful, ashamed, trapped and fat. You can gently let go of your emotional eating attacks (I did it!) by sitting down for short mediation sessions. My brand-new CD Finally Free - Guided Meditations To Freedom From Emotional Eating will lead you towards freedom, happiness and self-love.

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