Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course

Simple Strategies for Embodiment

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on October 3, 2016



If we are checked out of life, we are almost always checked out of the body.

If you desire to heal your negative body image (which I do hope is true for you), you have to know that you cannot “fix” your body image, but you can get more embodied, which will heal your rocky relationship with yourself for good.

When I talk about becoming more embodied, I mean adding more sensuousness, presence, awareness, movement and more joy into your life. Being embodied doesn’t mean actively feeling your body all day long (although that is definitely a great strategy), but it means changing different aspects of your life and your perception of what your Self really is. It also means removing massive levels of dissatisfaction, boredom and frustration from your daily routine.

There are different levels of practicing embodiment, so let’s start with a quick roundup of the easiest and most effective ones. These will get you back into your body more and more and they’ll easily help you to let go of the insane desire to be thin at all costs.

Transform your relationship to and with Food

  1. Become a slow eater
  2. Get more pleasure from your food
  3. Increase the quality of your meals
  4. Find joy in eating again

Add Movement into your life

  1. Let go of the need to exercise and instead move
  2. Stop punishing yourself with extreme gym workouts and instead begin to feel what your body likes
  3. Find joy in your movement and celebrate it

Update your Personal Care aka. Self-care

  1. Update your old wardrobe and buy exciting new clothes
  2. Feel more beautiful by using make-up, getting a new hair cut or wearing accessories
  3. Do something you’ve never done before when it comes to your self-care practices

Change your Lifestyle

  1. Create more balance in life
  2. Rest!
  3. Are you overdoing alcohol, meds or even drugs? Take a hard look at that and see how/what you can change.
  4. Get out into nature
  5. Turn off your phone
  6. Get support from groups, coaches, friends, loved ones, etc.

There are many, many more strategies to heal your broken body-image. Yet, if you start with these and really practice them, you’re on your way to true body-love and happiness in life.

Get going and share your Aha’s with us!

Love and light,

anne-sophie signature



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Let go of dieting - for good
It's time to take your power back

1Here’s the truth: living a life of dieting is not living at all. Being a slave to the gym means losing the joy you naturally deserve. The weight loss industry has been lying to us, brainwashed us and hurt and destroyed us for way too long.

Purchase your audio lecture and get inspired to let go of your addiction to diets and begin to embrace the skin you’re in.

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