Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course

Why you don’t love your body yet

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on November 12, 2016

0fe0cd26bd72e81ceb5eedc13c8817faPart of the process of healing your body image is to actively begin to change your attachment to your thoughts, the way you go through your daily life, the habits you’ve formed throughout decades and the beliefs you have created about the way you must do life and the way you should behave and be.

Yes, letting go of your desire to be thin at all costs is a mindset issue but it is also so much more than that.

It is a continued effort to transform, to challenge yourself, to detach, to tear some things apart and put yourself back together again.

And you can ONLY do that if you get new ideas – constantly.

Right now, wherever you are on the journey of body-love and escaping diet prison, you are caught in a certain way of thinking and trapped in a certain way of living. It’s hard to steer yourself out of that way of thinking with the same thoughts and behaviors that have gotten in this mess in the first place.

That’s why offerings such as the Sunday Healing Sessions or the Weekly Homework Assignments in the Tribe (plus the monthly themes and training materials) are invaluable and life-saving (and I do mean that: are you really living life to the fullest right now as you’re hating on your body all the time?). As they’ll inspire you to take action and give you ideas you’ve probably never thought of before.

Wherever you are on your body-love journey, whether you’ve done this for 5 years or 2 weeks, whether you consider yourself to be pretty much healed or you still believe you’re a mess, the Tribe is the perfect and affordable way for you to heal, transform and reshape the way you live your life.

Sign up here before the price goes up and it will go up eventually as more and more and more trainings will be added >>>

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