Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course

Do not apologize

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on November 3, 2016

Here’s something really, really, REALLY important:

STOP apologizing for your body, your weight AND your food choices.

You do NOT have to comment on the fact that you’re eating a burger AGAIN.

You do NOT have to make jokes about having to be new pants AGAIN.

You do NOT have to find excuses for having missed a workout AGAIN.

Even if you gain 50 pounds, eat 20 pieces of cake, never workout ever again, you DO NOT have to MENTION IT or APOLOGIZE about it to ANYONE.

OWN your choices, OWN your life, OWN your body and weight and stop living in fear of other people judging you.

Guess what?!

We are ALL being judged – no MATTER our weight and body.

People judge.

That’s what they do.

Most of them anyway.

If we all lived in fear of judgements all the time, we’d not be able to live.

So, instead of apologizing for doing what you do, just DO IT.

And let others believe and think whatever they chose to believe and think.

It’s YOUR life. Live it the way YOU want to to.

[FREE Mini Course] Are You Ready to Escape The Endless Cycle?
It's time to stop trying the latest and greatest diets.
It's time to stop counting calories.
It's time to stop obsessing over the scale.
It's time to stop spinning on a hamster wheel, filling yourself with frustration as you repeat the same habits over and over again with no results.
Guess what?
I hear you. I have been there. That is why I created my FREE mini course where I will show you how to live a life without scales and counting calories and instead with freedom and happiness.

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