Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course

Coming Home

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on November 12, 2016

There’s a point in your life where you the pain of pursuing a thin body is so big that there’s no other way than to turn inward and begin to love yourself for who you are.
There’s a point in everyone’s journey where not acting hurts infinitely more than taking the steps that often seems so hard.
For some of us this point comes sooner, for most of us it comes quite late: at the point where we’re about to break.
I often dream about finding just the right words to pierce through to those who feel not ready yet, who still have the hope that one day, the diets will change their life for the better.
I imagine the many ways to tell them that the time is now, to make it clear that waiting just one more day means a world of pain, a missed opportunity to breathe and be alive.
However, from my own experience, I know that I’ll never find exactly the right words to get to you because it’s you who has to get to that point yourself.
My words might help but they’ll never be the catalyst, never be the whole reason for your actions, for your “awakening”.
One thing though that I’d like to tell you is that once you’re ready, your body will welcome you home.
Your body will be here with open arms, ready to heal with you, ready to embrace you, thank you, be with you.
And once you’ve created space for love, you will come home, no question about it.
You will feel at peace.
You will feel acceptance.
You will feel deep comfort.
You will be at home.
This body, this glorious body you have, is always ready to change your life with you.
You can learn from it.
You can listen to it.
You can transform with it.
But mostly, you can simply be with it.
Tonight, sit with your body, simply be with it.
Become aware of whatever is happening.
Notice your breath, your heartbeat, your temperature.
Delve into the experience that your body is.
Have you ever done that? For real? Without nurturing your preconceptions, without fanning your hate?
Have you ever simply been with yourself, letting go of the mind clutter, the fears, closing the gap between your heart and your mind?
Haver you ever ALLOWED yourself to come back home?
If not, tonight’s the night. <3
Do you ADORE food -
But you secretly feel guilty and ashamed every time you eat?

1You love eating and still, you are secretly afraid of it. Because it makes you gain weight (you think), it makes you unattractive (you believe), it makes you feel guilty (unfortunately, yes) and it makes you feel more and more at war with yourself (maybe that is true too).

So, how can you start being more relaxed around food again and make it an event?

This program will show you how.

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