Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course

Letting Go of Control with Christy Harrison

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on August 22, 2016



In this episode of Escape Diet Prison, I am joined by Christy Harrison, who I’ve been following for quite some time. Christy is a registered dietitian nutritionist and certified intuitive eating counselor specializing in Health at Every Size.

Her podcast, Food Psych, is one of my favorites as Christy talks with inspiring people about their relationships with food, eating disorder recovery stories, and roads to body positivity. Along the way, she shares her own journey from disordered eater to dietitian, and offers tools to help listeners make peace with food and their bodies.

Christy is also a journalist with more than 13 years of experience in food and nutrition media. She has written for and edited award-winning books, magazines, and websites, including Refinery29, Gourmet, Modernist Cuisine, The Food Network, and many more.

When she’s not coaching, writing or podcasting, Christy performs improv comedy, practices yoga, and spends as much time as possible outdoors. She lives in Brooklyn, NY with her boyfriend and a cat named Harry Harrison.

I am so honored to have Christy on the show as she truly is one of the big guns in this community of body positivity and living a life without diets.

We talk about:

  • Christy’s own story of disordered eating and how she healed
  • What made her start writing about food
  • Why she went back to school to become a dietitian and how she experienced her education after having her own struggles with food and her weight
  • How Intuitive Eating helped her recover
  • Why she started dieting in the first place
  • Why letting go of dieting is not giving up on yourself
  • Self-care versus Self-Control
  • How she takes care of herself and the concept of intuitive movement
  • The role that food plays in her life now
  • Creating a society that is more accepting of all sizes
  • and so much more

Enjoy this episode!

Love and light,

anne-sophie signature



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[FREE Mini Course] Are You Ready to Escape The Endless Cycle?
It's time to stop trying the latest and greatest diets.
It's time to stop counting calories.
It's time to stop obsessing over the scale.
It's time to stop spinning on a hamster wheel, filling yourself with frustration as you repeat the same habits over and over again with no results.
Guess what?
I hear you. I have been there. That is why I created my FREE mini course where I will show you how to live a life without scales and counting calories and instead with freedom and happiness.

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