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When Your Body Says No More… How to Heal Extreme Fatigue

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on October 24, 2016


2016-09-18-13-59-58-1Ever since June, I’ve struggled with extreme fatigue.

First, I tried to push through it and just hoped that I would have my energy back soon. But as it continued for months, I had to begin to dig deep and figure out what was going on in my life that caused my body to completely stop functioning at times.

I had to welcome my fatigue, respect my body on a deeper level and listen to what it had to share.

In this episode of Escape Diet Prison, I share my insights with you and how I was able to get my energy back step by step.

Now, we could focus on nutritional aspects like Macronutrient Balance, Eating Rhythm, water consumption, quality of food or even allergies, but what has made a bigger impact for me were the lifestyle factors, so that is what we’ll focus on.

Look at your sleep hygiene and daytime rest

This is an obvious one, but it’s still worth investigating. Do you sleep enough? And when you sleep, do you get restful sleep? If you don’t, begin to change your schedule, so that you get adequate sleep.

Do you drink alcohol before going to bed? If so, you’ll certainly not get the restful sleep you need to function on all levels.

I’ve begun taking naps with my son, which is something I’ve never ever done before. However, there were days when I just couldn’t not nap with him because my body was just shutting down. Despite feeling guilty, I began to listen to my body and just do it and on some days, these naps certainly saved me.

If you cannot nap, try deep breaths, sucking in fresh air. 2 minutes of this will rejuvenate you already on multiple levels.

All in all, listen to your body and give it the rest it needs in order to heal whatever issue needs healing at this point.

Add nourishment time to your daily routine

Nourish your body, mind and soul and make it priority. If you don’t have a daily self-care practice, begin to take care care of yourself now.

Feel the lushness of the universe we live in. Open your senses to what surrounds you and check in with your body regularly in order to create more intimacy with yourself and listen to its needs.

Investigate the level of life stress you currently experience

What’s going on in your life right now? What’s stressing you out tremendously?

Do you have problems at work, are your relationships more stressful than nourishing, do you have money issues or have there been huge disappointments lately?

Take a close look at your stressors and begin to take care of them – one after the other.

Are past traumas or stressful life events resurfacing for you?

This might have been the one for me. There was a trigger moment in June that almost caused me to spiral down. If you’re beginning to feel past traumas show up again in your dreams or in your thoughts, pay attention.

They resurface to tell you that now it’s time to heal them on a deep level. Don’t dismiss these messages from your subconscious and instead embrace them, work with them to finally make true, lasting peace.

Are you in a life transition?

Is there a major change going on in your life? Are you pregnant, getting married, divorced, moving to a new country, changing jobs?

If so, of course you’re tired. Practice unwavering compassion for yourself, invest lots of time in self-care and healing and take it as easy as possible. Don’t forget to breathe into your fears and the stress that comes along with major transitions.

Those transitions also don’t have to solely appear in the physical world. Inner life transitions are even more powerful and often need lots of energy to be digested.

What is the divine message in your struggle?

Listen to your fatigue. Drop into wordlessness and allow it to speak to you, telling you why it is showing up at this point in your life.

Do you need to course-correct? Do you need a clear cut in some area of your life? Do you need to give up on something you’ve been holding on to for too long?

The easiest way to hear the divine message is to journal and let your true Self speak.

What gives you energy? What drains it?

Create a list of all the the people, places, situations, feelings, thoughts, activities, responsibilities, foods, experiences give you energy. Then create on for everything that gives you energy.

What do you notice? What do you need to change in your life now that you’re aware of where you place your attention and how you spend your days?

Visualize your ideal day if you had all the energy in the world.

If you had your energy back, what would your life look like? How would you behave? Who would you be? Who would you surround yourself with? How would you feel?

Take a closer look at your boundaries

Do you even have boundaries in place or do you allow everyone to just walk all over you? Do you say No when you don’t want to do something? Do you say yes with all of your heart?

If you don’t have boundaries, you know where your energy is going…

Create a desire inventory

If you don’t live in close relationship with your desires, you’ll drain your energy doing what you absolutely don’t want to do. Stop that craziness and begin to work on a desire inventory, then place your attention on incorporating those desires into your daily life.

If your rational mind says your desires are unpractical, respond with love and compassion and add them into your life anyway.

Who do you need to forgive?

Forgiveness again. If you hold on to grudges, you’re wasting an enormous amount of energy on a useless inner fight. Trust me, I know this one so well.

Forgiveness is often a continuous practice that is worth going back to over and over and over again until you’ve truly forgiven whatever is still tearing you apart.

Surrender and let go

If you have big plans in your life, if you are trying to create a certain outcome in life by pushing and using force, you’ll drain your energy in the fight. Instead of pushing, surrender and let go.

Put your dream out there, then turn inward to work on yourself, surrender to the present and allow the universe to care of the rest.

Most importantly though, allow love in, allow flow in, let go of the need to push and struggle and trust that it’ll all work out in your favor – because it always does (even if the outcome is not the one we think we need.)

Love and light,

anne-sophie signature



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Let go of dieting - for good
It's time to take your power back

1Here’s the truth: living a life of dieting is not living at all. Being a slave to the gym means losing the joy you naturally deserve. The weight loss industry has been lying to us, brainwashed us and hurt and destroyed us for way too long.

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