Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course

Body Image, Food and the Holidays

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on November 30, 2016



… or that time Deb forgot to prepare her own food at Thanksgiving.

The  holidays are a stressful time for most people.

The parties, the expectations, the consumerism, the pressure, the food… it’s easy to unravel and lose track of yourself – especially if you’re in the midst of a struggle with your body and your weight.

Some of us begin diets months before the holidays to control the “damage”.

Some of us accept that the holiday time is just one big binge and they don’t stop eating for weeks.

And some of us skip every party, every gathering because of the fear of the pressure to eat.

As always though, the more you obsess, the more pain you create. The more you restrict, the more you binge. 

If you still believe that you have to skip breakfasts, lunches and dinners in order to survive the next 5 weeks, then this podcast is for you.

If the holidays is a time where you just cannot stop binging, feeling sick, feeling bloated, feeling miserable, then this podcast is for you too.

As fun as the holiday food is, it doesn’t need to rule your heart and mind.

There is a way of celebrating the holidays without going crazy and in this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, Deb Oswald, Leila Hays and I share our favorite tips and tricks to stay calm and sane during this time of the year.

For more support read this article and listen to this podcast.

Read Deb Oswald‘s blog here.

If you’d like more support from Leila Hays, join The Dressing Room , go here.

The Circles are coming up again. Join here>>>

Love and light,

anne-sophie signature



Want more support? Join the free Escape Diet Prison Facebook group to engage with others who are on the same path as you. We can only grow if we surround ourselves with like-minded people. If you don’t, you’ll stay stuck and that is a promise.

Enjoyed this episode? Share it with others in your life who MUST listen to it right now. YOU are a change maker in this world and your voice needs to be heard.

Let go of dieting - for good
It's time to take your power back

1Here’s the truth: living a life of dieting is not living at all. Being a slave to the gym means losing the joy you naturally deserve. The weight loss industry has been lying to us, brainwashed us and hurt and destroyed us for way too long.

Purchase your audio lecture and get inspired to let go of your addiction to diets and begin to embrace the skin you’re in.

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