Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course

Let Your Body Autocorrect Itself

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on February 28, 2017



It’s quite understandable – at least in the bubble of the weight culture that our modern society has created – to freak out when you gain weight.

After all, we’re being told over and over and over again that gaining weight is a moral wrongdoing, a personal failure and a lack of willpower. It’s everything you don’t want to be and everything you’re definitely not. No thought is being wasted on the possibity that weight gain mightjust be your body autocorrecting itself or that it might point to inner turmoil, to some open wound that is desperately seeking your attention in order to heal.

To be clear, gaining weight does not make you a bad person. It does not mean you’re stupid, lazy or any of the other insults people who are body fanatics like to throw around. Weight gain is just that: weight gain.

However, if you notice that your jeans are getting tighter or the number on your scale is climbing up (why are you still weighing yourself anyway???), you’ll probably go into fight or flight mode and no matter how committed you are to the lifestyle of not dieting, most of us will think of and then go back to our savior: dieting.

The thing is that that is absolutely the wrong way to go about the change you so desperately desire. Instead of helping you out long-term, diets will work in the short-term and then come back to kick you in the butt: every single time.

Like Deb says in this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast: Diets are like an abusive friend you just won’t get rid of. In our conversation, Deb and I tackle this difficult topic of believing that going back on diets will lead to happines and freedom from food.

We share that the belief of gaining weight once you stop dieting is a self-fulfilling prophecy and we talk about tools that’ll help you to truly break out of diet prison.

Deb’s got a new blog called “We are more than good enough” and she’s been on a writing roll! Check it out here.

If you’d like more support from Leila, join The Dressing Room. Go here.


Check out my new Email Series 365 Journaling Prompts for more Body-Confidence, Self-Love & Happiness. This soul-opening program will be delivered to your inbox every single day for a year. Get the details here.

Love and light,

anne-sophie signature



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