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Body-acceptance 101 – The 5 Best Tactics to Finally Love the Skin You’re In

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on September 26, 2016



Much has been said and written about body-acceptance and self-love. There are many ways you can learn to make peace with your body and stop dieting once and for all.

But what are the best ways to begin your body-love journey? What does really help when you just can’t seem to be OK with who you are?

Over the years, I’ve been able to work with hundreds of women around body image and I’ve come to see that there are 5 tactics that ultimately trump all other body-acceptance tools out there.

Follow Anne-Sophie Reinhardt’s board Love Your Body on Pinterest.

These ways aren’t necessarily easy to do and they only work if you are committed to yourself, but if you use them, you can get ready for total body-acceptance.

1. Uncover the roots

Accepting your body as it is can’t be done without first uncovering the roots of your body hatred. Take a few minutes, days, weeks to uncover what’s really behind your aversion against your body.

Why do you dislike it? When did it start? What happens when you think of your body? What are some of the limiting beliefs you are carrying around?

Write it all down and be sure to be honest with yourself. There’s no point in lying or not wanting to admit what’s really going on. This is your work, this is your chance to let go.

2. Meet your issues with love and compassion

While you’re working on your issues, don’t judge yourself for being so damn messed up or for not being further down the road to body-acceptance.

Instead, meet your thoughts with love and gentle kindness. Wrap yourself in a blanket of compassion and whenever a judgment thought arises, tell yourself that it’s OK. It’s just a thought. You don’t have to believe it, act on it or feel it. It’s just a thought passing by like a cloud in the sky.

Don’t hold on to it and instead let it go by grounding yourself in your body and in the present moment. Take a few breaths, go for a walk or dance to your favorite song. You’ll see that you’ll feel better in an instant.

3. Forgive yourself for your thoughts

The next step is to forgive yourself for thinking your thoughts and being insecure about your body. Take every limiting belief, every painful thought about your body and forgive it.

I forgive myself for thinking I’m fat. {Click to tweet}
I forgive myself for believing I’m unworthy. {Click to tweet}
I forgive myself for being scared about having to diet all my life. {Click to tweet}

Repeat these phrases as often as you want, need and desire. Repeat them over and over and over again until you believe it, feel it and are ready to move on with your life.

4. Create a new vision

You can’t really create a life of body-acceptance without knowing what you actually want. What do you desire when it comes to your body? How do you want to feel? How do you want to be? What do you want to do with your life instead of obsessing over your body?

Have some fun creating your vision by either doing a collage, sitting in meditation, writing it down or talking about it. Don’t hold back because you believe that it’s unrealistic. This is your dreamtime, so dream big.

5. Take action

Now that you know your limiting beliefs around your body, have forgiven them and have created a vision for your life without hating your body, it’s time to take action.

Your life won’t change when you simply sit in a corner wishing it was different. You have to do something about it. So, if you don’t want to diet anymore, then stop. If you don’t want to abuse yourself by thinking belittling thoughts, catch yourself and turn your thoughts into positive affirmations. If you don’t want to put your life on hold until you’ve lost 10 more pounds, begin living now.

The more you do what you actually desire, the less important your body will be.

If you stick to these 5 tactics, you’ll begin to tap into body-acceptance sooner than you believe.

Enjoy this episode!

Love and light,

anne-sophie signature



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