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What does it mean to be Feminine in today’s world?

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on January 24, 2017


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In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, Leila and I talk about the Beauty Myth, Feminine ideals, the Feminine Mystique, the divide within the body positive movement and so much more.

Even though women all over the world have made great movements toward equality, there’s still more work to be done. The more powerful women became, the more the pressures to look a certain way increased.

It’s not enough to anymore to be a powerful woman (whatever that means to you), you also have to look a certain way, be toned, be thin, have big breasts, a tiny waste and a J-Lo butt.

And instead of working with each other, women are still working against each other, hurting each other, judging in other for choosing to live their truth.

It’s time for all of us to step it up, clean up our own mess and begin to love each other, lift each other up and allow each and every single one of us to be who we want to be.

If you’d like more support from Leila Hays, join The Dressing Room. Go here.


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Love and light,

anne-sophie signature



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