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5 Books to Read This August

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on July 22, 2015

Summer time is reading time – at least for me.

I love diving into new books, exploring new adventures and following the paths of awesome female characters and exceptionally interesting science books.

On our vacation in Italy, I spent every free minute reading: from The Life List to Body of Truth to What Are You Hungry For to The Rosie Effect to The Year I Met you, I devoured them all. When my boys were sleeping blissfully, I dove in to a new world and loved every minute of it.

Every book entailed life wisdoms, unexpected laughs, some tears and lots of juicy tips to live by.

If you’re wondering what you can read this summer, here are my favorite 5 books for you: (and yes, they’re all somewhat related to body image, self-love and self-esteem):

1. Body of Truth by Harriet Brown

Harriet Brown, author of the book Brave Girl Eating: A Family’s Struggle with Anorexia, describes the 4 big fat lies that we’re being told when it comes to weight and health by the oh so powerful diet industry. She gives clear and shameful examples about how we’re being manipulated, lied to and hurt.

I loved this book as it is heavy on research but also gives a relatable tale of a woman who’s always been struggling with weight and the relation to health.

2. Dietland by Sarai Walker

This is by far my favorite book of the year. When I started reading Dietland, I didn’t expect much. I hadn’t even read the description and just picked it up.

What I read was mind-blowing. This book is a perfect portrayal of our times and offers a few twisted storylines making you re-think everything you’ve learned and seen in your life so far.

Do pick it up!

3. The Year I Met You by Cecelia Ahern

I love, love, love most of Cecelia Ahern’s books. She writes with such warmth that you can’t not fall in love with the characters and their stories. I used to read her books in one sitting and then read them from page one over and over again.

The Year I Met You is a beautiful tale of an unlikely friendship and shows how we’re all different underneath our super hard shells. When you lean in, open up and share your life with others, magic can unfold.

4. What Are You Hungry For?: The Chopra Solution to Permanent Weight Loss, Well-Being, and Lightness of Soul by Deepak Chopra

OK, so it sounds like a diet book and in a way it is, BUT there are still tons of great points about mind-body connection, balance and consciousness and how these relate to body image, digestion, energy and immunity.

Please don’t take Chopra’s dietary tips too seriously as he comes from a different background, but you can never have enough inspiration, right?

5. The Rosie Effect by Graeme Simsion

While I loved the first book “The Rosie Project” even more, this sequel is lovely. There are some hugely frustrating parts, but overall the story is worth a read. Don’s character is charming, naive, awkward and brilliant.

The way he handles his “impending” fatherhood is both sad and heartbreakingly delightful. There are many laughs along the way and yes, I also cried.

Want to discuss some of these books with me and a group of fabulous women? Join the brand-sparking-new Virtual Body Image Book Club now.

Sign up today.

Space is limited to 25 people and we’re kicking it off on Monday, July 27th!

What are your favorite books of this year so far? Do share!

Elloa August 16, 2015 at 5:49 pm

I LOVED “The Rosie Project” so I’m looking forward to reading the sequel. Love xx

Anne-Sophie Reinhardt August 20, 2015 at 12:40 pm

Let me know how you like it. 🙂

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