Free Escape Diet Prison Mini Course

44 simple truths I want you to know today

by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt on November 14, 2016

  1. You never ever fail at diets… diets fail you.
  2. You are enough… you are so freaking enough… it’s unbelievable how enough you are.
  3. And yet it is totally acceptable to grow, to transform, to evolve.
  4. Accepting help and asking for support is a sign of strength and courage.
  5. You can handle whatever is being thrown at you.

  6. There is beauty in diversity.
  7. You can learn from any challenge if you’re open to it and ready to look at your issue from all sides.
  8. Healing is about un-learning, un-believing, un-doing.

  9. You will go so much further with a tribe of women who have your back than you’ll ever go alone.
  10. Forgiveness is a powerful force on your way to body-love.
  11. You will not magically be happy because you reached your goal weight.
  12. Food is not moral and your scale should not be your God.

  13. Your past does not define you or determine your future.
  14. Freedom can be achieved in any minute of the day.
  15. Emotional eating is only made shameful by your judgment of it.
  16. We’re all connected: by healing yourself, you help to heal the world.

  17. Gratitude makes the world go round. Practice it, especially when you are going through a rough, rough time.
  18. There’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in. 😉
  19. Wearing clothes that fit you now is healing on a myriad of levels.
  20. You’ll never feel completely ready to let go of diet. So, stop waiting for the perfect day and begin right now.

  21. You won’t get another chance at life. Do you really want to diet instead of live full out?
  22. There is beauty in everything: sometimes you just have to go and look for it.
  23. Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.
  24. Allow your pain to drive you and turn it into love.
  25. Feelings are powerful, so allow them to surface and guide you through your life.

  26. Journaling is a healing amplifier like hardly any other.
  27. You can put yourself first. The world won’t end.
  28. The more you deny yourself pleasure the more destructive your coping skills will get.
  29. There’s no one way to be beautiful. Find your way and own it.
  30. Food is not love, but food is pretty damn amazing.
  31. When in doubt, hire a coach. It always works.

  32. Crying, letting go, falling apart, is the cleanse your soul needs sometimes more, sometimes less.
  33. Fat shaming hasn’t healed anyone just yet.
  34. The moment you begin to speak to yourself in loving, kind ways, you open the door for a flood of healing vibes.
  35. Love always goes further than hate.
  36. There’s no denying your awesomeness. Ever.

  37. Giving to others, sharing your heart’s ways is a special way to shine your light and do your part in healing this world.
  38. There’s absolutely no shame in falling. But it’s the getting up again and again that counts.
  39. Accepting your body comes first, loving it will follow in time.
  40. You’ll never heal your binging by criticizing and blaming yourself. Compassion is the answer. Always.

  41. Sometimes all your soul needs is a day in bed with your favorite book and a cup of hot chocolate or teat (though it’s never tea for me… 😉
  42. Stretch yourself a little bit every day and soon what seems impossible right now, will be your daily normal life.
  43. Fat is not the devil. Nor is sugar. Nor are carbs. Nor is protein.

  44. Reconnecting with your body is done best by touching it, feeling it and looking at it daily. Stop running away from it and instead confront it with love and compassion.
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